Pre-Occupational Therapy Roadmap

Pre-Occupational Therapy

Start your journey to becoming an occupational therapist.

Prereqs. prerequisite





Take Prerequisites Courses.

University of Nebraska Lincoln offers the classes you need to apply for an occupational therapy program while earning your bachelor’s degree. See the list below for a brief overview of required prerequisite courses.


experience, network, shadow





Get Experience.

Start building your shadowing and volunteer hours to be a more competitive occupational therapy school applicant. Don’t forget to keep track of your hours!


Compass, Explore Center, Pre-Health Advisor

Talk to an Advisor Each Semester.

There’s a lot of coordination and planning that needs to happen to make sure you do everything you need before graduate school. The Explore Center’s advisors are here to help you navigate this journey. Meet with an advisor today to get a personalized 4-year pre-occupational therapy plan!

Pre-Occupational Therapy Roadmap at UNL

Occupational Therapy Prerequisite Classes

Depending on the school you plan to attend, you may need additional prerequisite courses. Meet with an advisor for more information.

Typical Occupational Therapy School Requirements

Biology – 1 semester

Anatomy – 1 semester

Physiology with lab – 1 semester

Psychology – 2-3 courses

Lifespan/Growth & Development – 1 semester

Medical Terminology – 1 semester

Statistics – 1 semester

Research Methods – 1 semester

English – 1-2 courses

Electives – 3-4 courses

What to Take at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Some classes require prerequisites. Meet with an Explore Center advisor for help planning your prerequisite courses. Elective course requirements vary by school.

Biology – BIOS 101/101L, BIOS 110/110L, LIFE 120/120L, or LIFE 121/121L (some schools prefer LIFE courses)

Anatomy – BIOS 214

Physiology with lab – BIOS 213/213L

Psychology – PSYC 181, 289, or 380

Lifespan/Growth & Development – CYAF 160 or PSYC 289

Medical Terminology – CLAS 116

Statistics – STAT 218, EDPS 459, PSYC 350, ECON 215, or STAT 380

Research Methods – PSYC 350, SOCI 205, COMM 201, CRIM 251, SLPA 454, or ANTH 482

English – ENGL 150, 151, 254, or 354

Electives – Depending on the OT school, classes in these areas may be required: COMM, RELG, PHIL, ANTH, SOCI, HIST, ENGL, NUTR, WMNS. See a pre-health advisor for more specific information.

The above courses are the entrance requirements for Occupational Therapy programs at Creighton University, Nebraska Methodist College (NMC), College of St. Mary (CSM), and the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). Students who are considering occupational therapy schools outside of Nebraska are encouraged to contact those schools directly for a list of entrance requirements.

Other Notes: 

  • AP/CLEP credit: Creighton, CSM, and NMC will accept AP credit. For NMC, AP credit for science courses must demonstrate that a lab was taken where required. For CSM, AP courses only count if taken within 5 years of starting the OTD program. UNMC will accept AP scores of 3 or higher for prerequisites.
  • Prerequisite GPA: Minimum “C” grade required for each prerequisite course.
  • Electives: Commonly accepted areas include religion, philosophy, ethics, logic, sociology, anthropology, history, world literature, women’s studies. Talk to an advisor for more specific information. 

Extracurricular Involvement and Activities:

Pursuing occupational therapy school requires more than just coursework. Your extracurricular activities, employment, and healthcare experiences like shadowing and volunteering will contribute greatly to your success in this field. See your pre-health advisor in the Explore Center to plan extracurricular activities that will prepare you for this program.

Application and Admission

Application: For admission to most occupational therapy programs, must apply through the centralized application process – OTCAS. Information on OTCAS can be found at:

Entrance Exam: Some occupational therapy programs require the GRE. For information on the content and registration for the GRE, see

Additional admission requirements: Some schools may require service hours. Students applying to occupational therapy school will also be required to submit additional application materials, including letters of recommendation. Students considering UNMC will need to complete 15 hours of inquiry of the profession – ask UNMC for details.