Explore Center advisors are available for in-person meetings and drop-in advising in 127 Love Library South.
Call or Schedule a Meeting
You can schedule a meeting through the Student Success Hub or by calling our front desk at 402-472-3605.
Drop-in advising is available in our office on a first come, first served basis (August-May). Summer advising is available by appointment only.
Drop-in schedule during Priority Registration (March 24-April 11)
Monday-Friday: 10am-4:00pm
Regular Drop-in Schedule
Monday & Wednesday: 10:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 12:30pm-4:00pm
Meet with a Professional School Representative
If you are ready to begin talking directly to health and law school programs, you may schedule an appointment through our Professional School Visitor website.
Application & Essay Review- IMPORTANT NOTE
Academic and Career advisors can provide feedback on application essays and applications. These meetings must be scheduled at least 7 days in advance by calling our office at 402-472-3605. Do not schedule through SSH. Please email your draft to the advisor one week in advance of your meeting. Otherwise, your appointment may be rescheduled.