Pre-Athletic Training

Athletic trainers (ATs) are unique health care providers and an essential member of any health care team skilled and trained in the prevention of injury and illness, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of emergency, acute or chronic injuries and medical conditions, and organizational and professional health and well-being. (

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Plan Your Path to Athletic Training Masters Programs

View Health School Application Timeline

  1. Meet with a Pre-Health advisor to create a comprehensive academic and co-curricular plan
  2. Research application requirements
    • See specific school websites for any specific application requirements which may vary by school
    • Meet with a representative of the school for specific questions and guidance
  3. Some schools require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  4. Apply to Athletic Training Master’s Programs
    • Most schools use the Athletic Training Centralized Application Service (ATCAS)
    • Some schools also require a graduate school application to the institution that offers the program in addition to the ATCAS application
    • Many schools require verified observation hours of a licensed Athletic Trainer (number of hours required varies; must be recent)
  5. Complete required Bachelor's Degree and required prerequisite courses
  6. Attend Athletic Training Master's Program (2-3 years)

Current Students

Current students: Meet with a Pre-Health advisor to talk more about your Pre-Health goals.

Schedule a Meeting

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