Pre-Medical Lab Science

Pre-Medical Lab Science Roadmap

Start your journey to becoming a medical lab scientist.

Medical laboratory scientists (formally known as clinical laboratory scientists or medical technologists) are responsible for the development, performance, and evaluation of laboratory testing that is needed in patient medical care and clinical research. They analyze samples of blood, tissue, and body fluids using cutting-edge technology and a variety of analytical techniques. Medical lab scientists also interpret laboratory results, integrate data, solve problems, consult with physicians, conduct research, and evaluate new test methods. Up to 80% of all medical decisions are based on their accurate and precise results. Medical lab scientists work in many different environments and several areas of expertise. They often do not have extensive contact with patients, but are an integral part of the healthcare and diagnosis team.

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Pre-Medical Lab Science Roadmap at UNL

Medical Lab Science Prerequisite Classes

Depending on the school you plan to attend, you may need additional prerequisite courses. Meet with an advisor for more information.


Typical Medical Lab Science School Requirements

Biology – 2 semesters

Microbiology – 1 semester

Molecular Biology or Genetics - 1 semester

Immunology - 1 semester

Chemistry – 2 semesters

Upper-Level Chemistry – 2 semesters

Math or Statistics – 1 semester

English – 1 semester

What to Take at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Some classes require prerequisites. Meet with an advisor for help planning your courses.


Biology – LIFE 120/120L & LIFE 121/121L

Microbiology – BIOS 312/314

Molecular Biology or Genetics – BIOS 201*

Immunology – BIOS 443

Chemistry – CHEM 109A/L & 110A/L or CHEM 113A/L, 114, & 221L

Upper-Level Chemistry – CHEM 251/253, 252/254, 221, or BIOC 401/401L, or 431/433

Math or Statistics – MATH 101, 102, 103, 106, or 107, or STAT 218, ECON 215, EDPS 459, or PSYC 350

English – ENGL 150, 151, 254, or 354


*Previously BIOS 206

Suggested Science Sequencing

Semester 1
LIFE 120/120L
Math (per MPE)

Semester 2
General Chemistry I
LIFE 121/121L

Semester 3
General Chemistry II

Semester 4
Organic Chemistry I
Genetics (or semester 3)

Semester 5
BIOS 443
Organic Chemistry II or

Semester 6
BIOS 312/314
Additional CHEM or BIOS

Extracurricular Involvement and Activities:

Pursuing Pre-Medical Lab Science requires more than just coursework. Your extracurricular activities, employment, and healthcare experiences like shadowing and volunteering will contribute greatly to your success in this field. See your pre-health advisor in the Explore Center to plan extracurricular activities that will prepare you for this program.

Application and Admission

Application: To apply to UNMC’s Medical Laboratory Science program, apply online at

Entrance exam: There is no entrance exam required.

Additional admission requirements: Three letters of recommendation are required. Shadowing and direct observation of clinical labs is highly recommended. UNMC also requires an interview. For additional application details, see

The above course recommendations fulfill the entrance requirements for the UNMC Medical Laboratory Science Program. 

Other Notes:

  • GPA: You must get at least a “C-“ in each of the pre-requisite courses.
  • Community College Credit: UNMC accepts up to 66 credit hours of credit from a community college; 11 credit hours must be taken at a 4-year school.
  • Math Requirement: Some required science courses, like chemistry, require math as a prerequisite. See your pre-health advisor for math placement information.
  • AP/CLEP: Accepted for non-science pre-requisite courses.

Plan Your Path to Medical Lab Science Program

  1. Meet with a Pre-Health advisor to create a comprehensive academic and co-curricular plan
    • The timeline to a medical lab science program will vary based on program
  2. Research application requirements
    • See specific school websites for any specific application requirements which may vary by program.
    • Meet with a representative of the program for specific questions and guidance
  3. Apply to medical lab science programs
    • The application process for medical lab science programs varies by school. Please consult programs directly regarding applications and requirements.
    • To learn more about other educational opportunities within this field please see the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science website.
  4. Complete required prerequisite courses
  5. Attend Medical Lab Science program (1 year)

Suggested Academic Preparation

  • 77 undergraduate credit hours – may vary by program and no UNL major required
  • Completion of pre-requisite courses
  • Competitive academic record
    • GPA in both science and non-science courses
    • Full semester loads of 15-17 credits

Local Professional Schools

UNMC College of Allied Health Professions(Omaha, NE)

Current Students

Current students: Meet with a Pre-Health advisor to talk more about your Pre-Health goals.

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