Pre-Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a health care profession using purposeful activity (occupation) as a means of preventing, reducing, or overcoming physical, social, and emotional challenges in people of all ages. The occupational therapist utilizes practical activities to encourage the recovering patient's involvement in meaningful daily living. An occupational therapist works with individuals whose participation in life has been impaired by physical injury or illness, developmental or learning disabilities, psychological or emotional problems or the aging process. The occupational therapist carefully evaluates each person to determine physical and/or mental strengths and weaknesses. In conjunction with other health professionals, the occupational therapist develops a goal-oriented program using purposeful activities and adaptive equipment to correct identified problems, and to decrease limitations, build strengths, and ensure that life will be meaningful and productive.

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Plan Your Path to Occupational Therapy School

View Health School Application Timeline

  1. Meet with a Pre-Health advisor to create a comprehensive academic and co-curricular plan
  2. Research application requirements
    • See specific school websites for any specific application requirements which may vary by school
    • Meet with a representative of the school for specific questions and guidance
  3. Take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  4. Apply to occupational therapy schools
    • Most schools use the Occupational Therapist Centralized Application Service (OTCAS)
  5. Complete Bachelor's Degree (if required) and required prerequisite courses
  6. Attend Occupational Therapy school (3-4 years)

Current Students

Current students: Meet with a Pre-Health advisor to talk more about your Pre-Health goals.

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